Friday, November 2, 2018


by Cammy Brantzeg

Today we head back to the US and I have mixed emotions.  I LOVE being in South Africa but I know it is time to go home.  It is easier for me to leave knowing I am leaving South Africa in good hands.  We have so many friends that feel like family that we come alongside on these trips to love and support.  Their daily work is not easy but they are doing what God has called them to do.  They do it with joy and God's amazing LOVE pouring out of them each and every day.  I am so blessed to know each and every one of them...

Did we make a difference?  My prayer is that we did.  My prayer is that the people we came in contact with on this trip felt God's love through me and the others on this trip.  My hope is that they know deep in their heart that they are God's beloved children and that he loves them so very much.  We prayed with and Pastor Vicki anointed many people on this trip that made the connections to the people we came in contact with special.

The faith of many of the Ouma's (grandmothers) and leaders (Meyer, Louise, Nozuko, Dipuo, Yolande, Stephanie, Cornel, Ma's for Wellington leaders and volunteers, Archie) is humbling.  They shine God's light so brightly here.  My hope is that I can shine a similar light back in the US.

Last night, they started the Mosaic after school program again.  It had been closed for over a week due to the construction at the community center.  I was so happy to see the kids.  We made cross necklaces with the kids, shared a Bible story time and sang some songs.  At the end of our time together the Mosaic kids sang two songs for us.  Wow!  The second song made me tear up.  I am tearing up as I type this.  I have so much hope for them and their future.  

I am so thankful for Mosaic and Ma's for Wellington and the programs they offer.  I am so thankful that God led me to this path that goes through South Africa.

I want to say Thank You to all of our South Africa partners.  I know it is a lot of work to have Americans come over.  I appreciate the patience you show us as you try to educate us about your programs.  I learn something new on each trip and I am sure that will continue each time I come down.  My default answer when someone asks me if they can do something that I am not sure about is to ask Nozuko, Meyer, Louise, Cornel or Stephanie.  We are blessed to have local South Africans to help guide us to make sure we do no harm on these trips.  It is crazy to think that one of my goals is to do no harm on a trip but after being on so many trips I can see how easy it is to do harm without even knowing it.  

Below are the sayings on our mission trip t-shirts for this trip.  

Do Justice 
Love Mercy
Walk Humbly

Go.  Be.  Love.  

My prayer as I return back to the US is that we did what God called us to do and that we will continue to do what God calls us to do back in the US... 

The pictures below are some of the people we prayed for.  These are the moments I will never forget.